Catwalk and Chapter Ending

On the catwalk make your way towards the door with the Flower around it. There is nothing to fear here so no need to be worried. Continue forwards towards the door.

Gray Tape (Optional)

Image showing the Gray Tape location in Poppy Playland.
Gray Tape on catwalk.

Along the main path on the catwalk you will find the Gray Tape. It is sitting in the final T you need to take to reach the Flower door. If you wish to collect it pick it up and take a right. Take it and place it in the Gray VCR at the end of the catwalk.

The rest of the chapter is linear in fashion. Go through the Flower door and follow the hallways until you reach the very end. In the final room you will see a doll in a glass case. Use your hands to open the case. Once the doll is freed Chapter 1: A Tight Squeeze comes to an end.


Make A Friend and Huggy Wuggy Chase

With the power back on make your way back downstairs. Now the machinery below is running. Push the Make A Friend console button in the middle of the room. When you press this button the room’s machinery comes to life. Look to the left of the console and pull the three levers you see on the pieces machines. Wait for the pieces to move through the building process then pick up the completed toy at the end. Take the toy and place it on the scale next to the door with the “Nobody leaves without making a toy” sign. This door will open.

Head through the open door and prepare yourself. From this point on Huggy Wuggy will start to chase you. Walk forward towards the darkened hallway. The creature will appear from out of the darkness as you get closer to it. Immediately turn and run to the end of the conveyor belt where you got your Make A Friend. The door there is open. Go through the vents while Huggy Wuggy chases you.

At the end of the chase you will end up on a catwalk with nowhere to go. Above the catwalk is a yellow crate. Use both hands to pull it down. Huggy Wuggy will appear and the crate will drop onto it knocking it down below.


Complete the Catwalk Circuit Puzzle

Walk forward to the socket. Ignore it for now and head towards the middle of the catwalk. Turn to your right and you will see see another piece of catwalk you can pull. Pull the catwalk towards you to make a shortcut to the poles. Head back to the socket and connect to it. Walk across the shortcut and walk to your right so your are heading towards the socket we need to connect to. Use your other hand to pull the catwalk to make a new shortcut. Wrap around both poles as shown above and attach to the socket to complete the puzzle.


Make A Friend Room

The room you land in is not operational until you get the power going. To do this go up the stairs to the catwalk above. When you reach the catwalk use a hand to pull the catwalk to you to cover the gap.

Pink Tape (Optional)

Image showing the location of the Pink tape in Poppy Playland.
Pink tape location.

Once you’ve covered the gap with the catwalk you can walk across it to reach a socket. Before doing that if you look to the right on the wall you will see the Pink Tape on the blue painted square. Grab the tape if you wish and use the Pink VCR to watch it.


Complete the Conveyor Circuit Puzzle

Image showing the Conveyor Belt puzzle in Poppy Playtime.
Complete the circuit.

At the bottom of the conveyor belt you will be stuck. To advance you need to complete a circuit. Right where you land take a right and walk along the conveyor belt there until you reach a ramp leading up. Go up this ramp and look to the right. There is socket here. Shoot the socket with one of your hands (leave it connected). Turnaround and walk down the ramp to get around the electricity pole. Head back to the entrance and walk towards the door. Look left and shoot the socket there to complete the circuit. You will automatically move forward along the belt. Ride the belt until you reach the room at the end.


Yellow Tape (Optional)

If you are interested in snagging all the VHS tapes there is one in the factory room where you get the Red hand. The Yellow Tape can be found on the second leaning shelf closest to the door. Walk behind the first shelf to snag it. The VCR to play it on is next to the stairs leading to the catwalk you pass when going up to the control panel.

Once you’ve grabbed the Red hand (and VHS tape) we can now leave the Factory area. If you try to go back to the Lobby the way we came you wont be able to. Instead we need to use the newly unlocked Red hand. As you may have noticed in the room we got the Red hand from there is a conveyor belt with a door on it. Use both hands to open this door then walk down the belt until you slide to an area below


Get the Red Hand

Head forward through this room past the Yellow VCR and go up the stairs onto the catwalk. On the catwalk walk forward until you reach a control panel. Next to the control panel is a Blue Fuse on the ground and a gap in the railing. Grab the fuse and place it into the control panel then drop down to the floor below using the gap in the railing.

Image showing the Red Hand in Poppy Playtime.
Getting the Red hand.

In the room below you need to find the three additional fuses. These fuses appear to be randomly spawned into the room. Just be thorough in looking through the room to find them they are usually on the floor or on the shelves. Once you have all three fuses return to the control panel and place them. The factory will come to life and the crane will bring the Red hand to the conveyor belt below. When it is available go down to the item and grab it to equip it on your right hand.